Filming Sarah and Craig’s wedding


This weekend was amazing, we drove from Mundesley to Northampton on Friday evening ready for an early start Saturday morning, filming Sarah and Craig’s wedding.

Both the venue and the ceremony were to be held at the Barns at Hunsbury Hill, with the bride and groom staying at the Hilton Northampton. 

Labyrinth mini movies had already invested time and created a bespoke video timeline with the bride, so all those little quirky bits were to be captured and we were always in the right place at the right time.

My wife Racheal and I started early and headed over to the Barns to speak to the events organiser, followed by putting our drone in the air to capture some cinematic video of this beautiful location. 

Then we grabbed a breakfast nearby from the Drovers Return, they do a lovely English and the guy who runs the place is really funny.

Now refuelled, we drove over to the Hilton to start filming the bride and groom getting ready, first stop the bride. As we walked into her room we were welcomed by all the people that were both helping Sarah get ready and getting ready themselves. 

With 10 or more people in the room, we move between them capturing short bursts of video as they went about getting ready. Once we felt we had enough it was time to head over to the groomsmen, who happened to be on the far side of the hotel so quite a trek, lol.

Knocked on the door and was greeted by one of the groomsmen so we grabbed several shots of them all as they were getting ready. 

Now back to the bride, where we were able to capture all five bridesmaids seeing the bride in her dress for the first time. As you can imagine she looked beautiful and you could feel an emotional moment. At this point, we picked up the buttonholes for the groomsmen and headed back to his room.

We managed to catch him in the reception and filmed some nice moments of them all pinning them to each other.

Then came the groom’s surprise, it had been arranged for a Ford Mustang to pick him up from the hotel and drive him to the venue. We proceeded to film Craig and some of his guests appreciating this beautiful automobile and then as he was driven off down the road. 

It was now time for Labyrinth Mini Movies to head over to the venue and film some of the groom and the guests as they arrived, so we quickly popped into the car and headed over to the Barns.. 

The Barns at Hunsbury Hill is such a beautiful location and it was a pleasure to capture cinematic shots before the Bride arrived. Then she arrived in the Ford Mustang convertible, looking stunning and we continued to film her as she walked down towards the venue.

Everybody had moved into the venue ready for the bride’s entrance, and we filmed her walking down the aisle with her father to live music.

We filmed the entire ceremony so nothing was missed, grabbing some lovely moments as the bride and groom slowly walked back up the aisle and out of the venue into the gardens. The Ford Mustang was parked outside and we were able to spend some time filming Sarah and Craig around the car. 

We then took our time capturing moments of all the guests enjoying the beautiful surroundings, as the venue prepared the hall for the wedding breakfast.

Just before everybody went into the wedding breakfast we popped in with the video camera and captured some nice cinematic shots of the tables and the decorations.

At this point we had a little break as all the wedding party enjoyed the amazing food, both Rachel and I sat down with the wedding photographer Kirsty(Bubear Photography) and enjoyed our meal, compliments of the bride and groom. 

We double-checked that the groom mic was working correctly and we also added a second microphone to the head table for the speeches.

Set our camera where it would capture each of the wedding parties delivering speeches, hit record and proceeded to enjoy listening to all the stories that were told. 

Everybody started to move outside and we captured some more lovely moments with both our handheld camera and our drone.

We also filmed some moments where Kirsty the photographer was bringing all the wedding party together for various group photo pictures.

Later the hall was made ready for the live music and we filmed the bride and groom cutting the cake and having their very first dance as husband and wife.

The atmosphere was fantastic and this wedding was an absolute pleasure to be part of, now it was time to head off home and get some editing done so they have video memories to watch and share for years to come.  

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